As I’ve mentioned previously, goals are great for guardrails. Sure, you need reporting and KPIs to determine if you’ve achieved the goal but let’s stop for a minute. KPIs. Key Performance Indicators. My previous company had a portal for reporting. My last login there, there were 9 or 10 tabs, each tab contained 10-30 reports, each report had 4 to 10 filtering options. Do the math. That’s so many reports that most of my clients only used 4 or 5. Why? They didn’t know what the other reports were and didn’t have the time to learn about it. As I get into the “WHAT” I want to make sure, I’m only going to discuss actual KPIs. The ones that give you a report card of your business.
The following pages, we’ll discuss how I’ve done all this and what has worked for me, clients, and others.